Meet Joe’s Friends
Teeny is someone who lacks a bit of confidence;
someone who doesn’t quite realise their own
strength and potential. In fact, he’s even scared
of butterflies. Luckily, he has lots of good friends
to help him learn and grow.
T-rex facts
Historical Period:
Late Cretaceous (70-65 million years ago)
Size and Weight:
About 40 feet long and 7 tons
Other dinosaurs
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Large head with numerous teeth;
stubby with small arms
Tricky is the smart one. She just carries
herself with an unpresupposing
cleverness that is generally irrefutable.
If you need an answer and haven’t got
access to google, just ask Tricky.
Triceratops facts
Historical Period:
Late Cretaceous (70 million years ago)
Size and Weight:
About 30 feet long and 5 tons
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Three horns (two big and one small) on face;
spiny frill on back of head
Stompy is the boss; a natural born leader. He has
an air of assuredness about him. He’s kind and
considerate, but firm. After all, even a brave
Tyrannosaurus Rex knows better than to question
his authority. Otherwise he might just have to ‘put
his foot down’.
Stegosaurus facts
Stegosaurus (Greek for “roof lizard”);
pronounced STEG-oh-SORE-us
Woodlands of western North America
Historical Period:
Late Jurassic (150 million years ago)
Size and Weight:
About 20 feet long and 2 tons
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Double rows of plates extending from back;
spiked tail; unusually small head
Sir Isaac actually discovered gravity 125 million years
before the ‘other’ Sir Isaac. He was shaking a tree
to get his favourite fruits down when one happened
to plonk him on the scone. Ever since, he’s been
fascinated by the way the world works. (He was also
the first to realise the world wasn’t flat).
Iguanodon facts
Iguanodon (Greek for “iguana tooth”); pronounced
Woodlands of North America, Asia and Europe
Historical Period:
Early-middle Cretaceous (135-125 million years ago)
Size and Weight:
About 30 feet long and 3 tons
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Long spikes on thumbs; three middle fingers
of hands webbed together
Anky is the warrior of the group; the protector. Without
hesitation, he is the one who puts himself in the way of
danger to ensure the safety of the rest of the group. He is
not scared of anything; even a T-Rex – in fact, he takes
Teeny under his wing and teaches him slowly but surely to
be brave, to overcome his fears and rise to any challenge.
He is gentle by nature, but watch out anyone who
threatens his tribe or his friends!
Ankylosaurus facts
Ankylosaurus (Greek for “fused lizard”); pronounced
Woodlands of North America
Historical Period:
Late Cretaceous (70-65 million years ago)
Size and Weight:
About 30 feet long and 5 tons
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Bony plates and spikes on back;
clubbed tail
V-rap is always bustin’ rhymes. He can’t help it. He’s
the creative type. And boy, with some of the dinosaur
names, you can be sure that rhyming is always a
challenge – unless, of course, you’re V-rap.
Velociraptor facts
Name :
Velociraptor (Greek for “speedy thief”);
pronounced vel-OSS-ih-rap-tore
Woodlands of Asia
Historical Period:
Late Cretaceous (85 million years ago)
Size and Weight:
About 3 feet long and 30 pounds
Small mammals and dinosaurs
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Low, tapered head with sharp teeth; claws on front
and hind feet; possible primitive feathers
Swoop is always wanting to explore. His telescope,
compass, map and his ability to fly make him the
master of unchartered territories. He’s the scout who
gives the group a bird’s eye view of what’s up ahead.
He’s also full of wonderful stories; for instance, only
he knows what it’s like to see inside a volcano.
Luckily he’s a very good story teller – the others sit
mesmerised as he describes the things that they’ll
never be able to see.
Pterodactyl facts
Pterodactylus (Greek for “wing finger”); pronounced
TEH-roe-DACK-till-us; sometimes called Pterodactyl
Shores of Europe and South Africa
Historical Period:
Late Jurassic (150-144 million years ago)
Size and Weight:
Wingspan of 3 feet and 2 to 10 pounds
Insects, meat and fish
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Long beak and neck; short tail; wings attached
to three-fingered hands
Penelope is the ‘Water-baby’ of this group. She’s a
wonderful swimmer who teaches all the other dinosaurs
how to swim – and we all know how important water
safety is. She is ever patient and caring. She mothers
everyone; even those older than her.
Plesiosaurus facts
Plesiosaurus (Greek for “almost lizard”); pronounced PLEH-see-oh-SORE-us
Oceans worldwide
Historical Period:
Early-Middle Jurassic (135-120 million years ago)
Size and Weight:
About 15 feet long and 1,000 pounds
Fish and mollusks
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Long neck; tapered body; small head
with sharp teeth